Our Services
Keep a colony on your property, but let us do all the work! Watching the bees fly at the entrance is both fascinating and calming. It's easy to become mesmerized by the gentle hum of the bees coming and going, and you'll notice all kinds of interesting behaviors. Our experienced team is always on-call for your questions, and will ensure you have a safe and fun experience. You're welcome to be present for our visits, but it's not required.
Assembled hive with feeder
Honeybee colony
Monthly / as-needed visits
Individualized hive visit summaries
Replacement queens
Replacement bees
Replacement frames
Mite treatments
Honey harvesting and jarring
Removal at any time
Did you know your company can benefit from having hives on site? Your sustainability efforts will stand out, and your visible commitment to the environment will inspire employees, customers, patrons, and the general public.
Assembled hive with feeder
Honeybee colony
Monthly / as-needed visits
Group hive tours
Individualized hive visit summaries
Replacement queens
Replacement bees
Replacement frames
Mite treatments
Honey harvesting and jarring
Removal at any time
We provide an in-depth analysis of your hive, our recommendations, and guidance on next steps. This mini-lesson will give you confidence to work your bees independently.
Hive tours can be scheduled independently, or as an add-on to our full service programs. We provide up to 5 suits, a saftely lesson, and curate a memorable experience for your group.
Swarms happen when strong colonies feel they are growing fast enough to divide. They send out a large group of bees to re-locate. Swarms usually happen during spring and early summer. If you see one, don't be alarmed! They are very docile when in this state. Please give us a call so we can move them to a safe new home.
Jessy has been in the bee industry since 2013. She's an extremely knowledgeable beekeeper who enjoys connecting with the community. She has created a mind-opening and insightful presentation that we'd love to share with your organization. We book multiple professional speaking events every year.